Our award-winning logical data management platform is regularly featured in the world's leading business and IT publications worldwide.
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Our award-winning logical data management platform is regularly featured in the world's leading business and IT publications worldwide.
La corsa all’intelligenza artificiale (AI) open source si intensifica. Negli ultimi mesi, il settore ha registrato progressi significativi, con nuove soluzioni che promettono di ridurre i costi, aumentare l’efficienza e favorire l’innovazione tecnologica. Tuttavia, restano ancora da risolvere problemi legati alla gestione dei dati, alla sicurezza e alla sostenibilità dei modelli.
Dalla riduzione dei costi, alla maggiore efficienza e al progresso tecnologico, le opportunità aperte dall’attuale fermento del mercato sono molteplici. Restano però da bilanciare le complessità legate alla gestione dei dati
I början av året lanserades GenAI-lösningen Deepseek R1 och uppmärksamheten blev stor – på goda grunder. Med en blandning av expertakitekturer (Mixture-of-Experts) och öppen källkod har den nämligen potential att påverka AI-marknaden överlag.
Försäkringsbranschen är beroende av en smidig relation mellan försäkringsgivare och mäklare. Mäklare rådger kunder och kopplar dem till de bästa policyerna, medan försäkringsgivare bedömer risker och ansvarar för den ekonomiska tryggheten. Trots gemensamma mål har de ofta svårt att få till ett effektivt samarbete. Grundorsaken är att viktig data ligger i isolerade system och att kommunikationen därmed fallerar. Parterna behöver adressera detta för att kunna samverka mer effektivt, bygga kundförtroende och driva tillväxt i branschen. Med rätt verktyg för datadelning kan situationen förbättras avsevärt.
Ngee Ann Polytechnic in Singapore has partnered with Denodo as part of the Denodo Academic Program to enhance its data science and analytics curriculum.
The Denodo Academic Program offers students education in data management, focusing on data integration and architecture. It combines virtual training modules, live workshops, and practical demonstrations using the Denodo Platform. This partnership provides students with access to Denodo's technology, including Denodo Express, an entry-level version of their platform.
Ngee Ann Polytechnic in Singapore has partnered with Denodo as part of the Denodo Academic Program to enhance its data science and analytics curriculum.
The Denodo Academic Program offers students education in data management, focusing on data integration and architecture. It combines virtual training modules, live workshops, and practical demonstrations using the Denodo Platform. This partnership provides students with access to Denodo's technology, including Denodo Express, an entry-level version of their platform.
Denodo is integrated into the Diploma in Data Science offered by Ngee Ann Polytechnic to support the institution in creating a curriculum that meets modern industry requirements.
Dr. Joel Yang, Director of the School of InfoComm Technology at Ngee Ann Polytechnic, said, "At Ngee Ann Polytechnic, we place industry at the heart of our curriculum to equip students with the skills and knowledge needed for a rapidly evolving, data-driven world. Through our collaboration with Denodo, students gain hands-on experience with cutting-edge tools and practices, such as data virtualisation and data integration. This prepares them to drive innovation and contribute meaningfully to the future of data management."
Ngee Ann Polytechnic in Singapore has partnered with Denodo as part of the Denodo Academic Program to enhance its data science and analytics curriculum.
The Denodo Academic Program offers students education in data management, focusing on data integration and architecture. It combines virtual training modules, live workshops, and practical demonstrations using the Denodo Platform. This partnership provides students with access to Denodo's technology, including Denodo Express, an entry-level version of their platform.
Levererar datahanteringslösning för förbättrad livslängd
Data Management-företaget Denodo meddelar att laget Data Shoe från Dauphine University i Paris har vunnit Denodos senaste universitetsutmaning på temat Data for Social Change: Improve Life Expectancy. Det vinnande laget består av Dounia Bouloudene, Nassim Fatmi och Youcef Azouaoui. Universidade da A Coruña i Spanien tilldelades ett hederspris för att ha bidragit med flest lag till tävlingen.
Experience the full benefits of Denodo Enterprise Plus with Agora, our fully managed cloud service.
Achieving DORA Compliance: The Role of Data Virtualisation
From January 17th 2025, the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) is set to reshape the financial sector’s approach to IT security and risk management. Introduced by the European Commission, DORA aims to ensure that financial institutions can withstand, respond to, and recover from digital disruptions. It looks to strengthen the financial sector’s resilience to ICT-related incidents and introduces very specific and prescriptive requirements that are homogenous across EU member states.