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Our award-winning logical data management platform is regularly featured in the world's leading business and IT publications worldwide.


Generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) represents the latest technological shift, with significant implications for cybersecurity. However, 96% of executives believe that integrating GenAI increases the risk of a security breach within the next three years.


Dalle energie rinnovabili alle reti intelligenti, dall’AI alla sicurezza informatica, il successo passa da un approccio eco-centrico basato sulla gestione logica dei dati.


Industry executives and experts share their predictions for 2025. Read them in this 17th annual series exclusive by Shanmuga Sunthar Muniandy, Director of Architecture & Chief Evangelist, APAC of Denodo.


Denodo’s Paul Moxon offers insights on simplifying data access with GenAI and paving the path to data democratization. This article originally appeared on Solutions Review’s Insight Jam, an enterprise IT community enabling the human conversation on AI.


The climate crisis is intensifying and the energy sector is facing one of its greatest challenges – reducing greenhouse gas emissions, especially methane. Carbon dioxide has so far received most attention in the climate debate, despite methane being 25 times more potent in the short term.


Businesses engage in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) to gain new capabilities, remove competitors, reduce operational costs, and join new markets. In the first half of 2024, the global value of M&A activity was $1.0 trillion, 4% higher than it was during the same period last year. M&A requires meticulous attention to regulatory and compliance issues.


Denodo Technologies is a leading provider of data management solutions, helping organizations seamlessly manage and integrate their data across various sources. Our innovative platform enables businesses to access, unify, and analyze data in real time without the need for physical data movement or replication.


As we move into 2025, companies will need to create AI solutions that foster positive, productive interactions, ensuring technology works alongside people ethically and effectively.


Oggi i dati sono diventati la linfa vitale per l’innovazione, la competitività e la crescita. Guardando al 2025, ci si aspetta che il data management si troverà sempre più al centro di una nuova evoluzione, influenzata da tecnologie emergenti, regolamentazioni sempre più stringenti e dall’esigenza di un accesso ai dati più rapido e sicuro. Le aziende stanno affrontando sfide senza precedenti e, per aiutarle a prepararsi al meglio, Denodo, leader nella gestione dei dati, ha identificato i 5 principali trend che guideranno il data management nel 2025.


Individuals, businesses and governments will all have to change the way they interact with video conferencing calls, images and more, as nefarious actors abuse the technology that is generating increasingly realistic content.

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