Our award-winning logical data management platform is regularly featured in the world's leading business and IT publications worldwide.
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Our award-winning logical data management platform is regularly featured in the world's leading business and IT publications worldwide.
Andrea Zinno, Data Evangelist di Denodo, ci spiega come i fattori ESG siano una priorità per le organizzazioni, indipendentemente dal settore in cui operano. In questo scenario, per poter valutare correttamente la validità della loro Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), le aziende devono però poter fare affidamento su una serie di indicatori e parametri definiti dai criteri ESG: un aspetto non scontato, soprattutto per quelle realtà che hanno difficoltà a controllare e gestire i propri dati.
La digitalizzazione dei processi aziendali non è più solo un'opzione, ma una necessità strategica per le imprese italiane. Non si tratta soltanto di adottare nuove tecnologie, ma di ripensare interi modelli operativi per migliorarne efficienza, innovazione e competitività. Secondo uno studio di Denodo, l'85% delle aziende in Italia ha già avviato percorsi di trasformazione digitale, investendo in AI, IoT e cloud per ottimizzare operazioni e garantire maggiore flessibilità.
Le normative come GDPR e CSRD pongono sfide complesse per le aziende. La compliance by design offre un approccio strategico per integrare la conformità nei processi aziendali, consentendo una gestione efficace dei dati.
Today, it has become widely accepted that large language models (LLMs), on their own, are insufficient to enable intelligent AI agents that can deliver real value within an enterprise context. Rather, it is only by integrating and augmenting LLMs with enterprise data that we can deliver truly robust, accurate, and valuable AI agents and applications.
In un mondo in continua evoluzione, anche il modo in cui l’energia viene generata, gestita e consumata sta cambiando. Per il settore delle utility, in particolare, un futuro sostenibile richiede una migliore capacità di adattamento, che permetta di mantenere al contempo produttività ed efficienza. Inoltre, è necessario saper affrontare la triplice pressione derivante da incertezza economica, scarsità di talenti e interruzioni nella supply chain.
Solutions Review’s listing of the best data catalog tools and software is an annual sneak peek of the top tools included in our Buyer’s Guide for Metadata Management and Data Cataloging Tools. The editors at Solutions Review have developed this resource to assist buyers in search of the best data catalog tools to fit the needs of their organization.
Solutions Review’s listing of the best data virtualization tools is an annual mashup of products that best represent current market conditions, according to the crowd. The editors at Solutions Review have developed this resource to assist buyers in search of the best data virtualization tools to fit the needs of their organization.
Solutions Review’s listing of the best data fabric tools is an annual mashup of products that best represent current market conditions, according to the crowd. The editors at Solutions Review have developed this resource to assist buyers in search of the best data fabric tools to fit the needs of their organization.
Solutions Review’s listing of the best data mesh software companies is an annual mashup of products that best represent current market conditions, according to the crowd. The editors at Solutions Review have developed this resource to assist buyers in search of the best data mesh software companies to fit the needs of their organization.
Experience the full benefits of Denodo Enterprise Plus with Agora, our fully managed cloud service.
Have Clear Business Objectives to Create Value with Data and AI — Takeda Head of Data Science
Naveed Afzal, Head of Data Science at Takeda Pharmaceutical Company, speaks with Dominic Sartorio, VP, Product Marketing, Denodo, in a video interview about his professional trajectory, role, and responsibilities at Takeda, creating value using data and AI, having the right data strategy, and establishing qualitative and quantitative methods to evaluate the strategy’s impact.