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Paul Moxon

SVP Data Architecture & Chief Evangelist

A data mesh architecture offers a lot of promise to change the way we manage data – and for the better. But there’s a lot of confusion about a data mesh. People will tell you that you can build a data mesh on top of a data lake or on top of a data warehouse, and that you don’t need data virtualization to build a data mesh.

Many vendors are jumping on to the data mesh bandwagon and are claiming that they inherently support a data mesh architecture. But do they? How much of this is hype versus reality? Is it true that you don’t need data virtualization to build a scalable, enterprise-grade data mesh?

This is the myth we will attempt to bust in this next Myth Busters webinar.

Watch this session on-demand to learn about the concepts and components of a data mesh, and hear how the logical approach to data management and integration – powered by data virtualization - is critical for a data mesh.

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