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Kevin McKerr

Chief Revenue Officer

Building reusable, trusted and consumable Data products is the new way the best data teams are delivering high-quality data, quicker and easier than ever before…

What is a Data Product? It's a reusable data asset, built to deliver a trusted dataset, for a specific purpose.

Teams that use data products spend less time searching for data, ensuring data quality, or building new data pipelines, and those time savings become significant when added up across your data ecosystem and lifecycle.

Additionally, data products speed time to insight because they can be reused and repurposed, increase trust in your organizations’ data, and provide real-time data for in-the-moment decision-making. So How do you build a Data Product?

Join Kevin McKerr, HO Sales & Marketing from BITanium Consulting, as he covers a step-by-step guide to building data products quicker, easier and safer than ever before. You will learn how Denodo’s Data Virtualization platform allows you to:

  • Connect any data regardless of format or location
  • Combine and Integrate any data into logical data products
  • Consume data products in any format

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