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Ascyndent and Denodo share the foundational data insights from several years of experience, with the desire to do what is best for our clients as well as the data community at large. Leveraging the Denodo Platform with Ascyndent's data transformation technology and execution allows customers to successfully manage their data and scale their environment.

Ascyndent knows that innovation happens at the intersection of Business, technology, and users. Based on this foundation, our guiding principles are:

  1. Know the business goals
  2. Engage the users
  3. Make it actionable
  4. Stay flexible
  5. Add value

Ascyndent's approach accelerates innovation and increases agility with end-to-end automation. By automating every step of your BizDevOps lifecycle—delivering the agility, efficiency and quality your business needs now.

Avaliação gratuita Denodo

Aproveite todos os benefícios do Denodo Enterprise Plus com o Agora, nosso serviço de nuvem totalmente gerenciado.


Denodo Express

A via expressa para a virtualização de dados