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Cloud computing has transformed the landscape of modern technology, revolutionizing how businesses and individuals access, store, and manage their data and applications. This paradigm shift from traditional on-premises infrastructure to virtualized, scalable, and on-demand resources has been a remarkable journey that has spanned several decades.

The Denodo Platform’s data virtualization technology makes cloud data integration quicker and improves the ease of manageability. It also brings huge business benefits and cost savings:

  • Data Integration Cost reduction: 60-80% savings
  • Traditional Call Centers, Portals: 30-70% savings
  • BI and Reporting: 40-60% savings
  • ETL and Data Warehousing
    • Project timelines of 6-12 months reduced to 3-6 months.
    • Up to 85% reduction in time

The Denodo Platform, with all of the above technical and business benefits, enables organizations to effortlessly implement data fabric and data mesh architectures. Learn more in this whitepaper from Accenture.

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Denodo Express

A via expressa para a virtualização de dados