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David Loshin

President of Knowledge Integrity

Cloud data warehousing is no longer seen as teetering on the bleeding edge of technology. According to a recent TDWI survey, 38 percent of respondents said their organizations are already using a cloud data warehouse while 31 percent reported their organizations are using a cloud data lake.

However, businesses still face challenges that complicate leveraging cloud-based resources. Although conventional wisdom promotes the cost-effectiveness of the cloud, ungoverned operations allow data storage, egress, and computing resource costs to spiral out of control. Even if cloud service providers have been diligent in implementing security controls, suspicions remain about adequate data protections.

Businesses will truly benefit from transitioning to the cloud by addressing these uncertainties with a logical data fabric that seamlessly overcomes these challenges and simplifies reporting and analytics. In this report, we explore how a hybrid cloud data warehouse enabled by a logical data fabric and data virtualization can deliver faster insights.

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