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Crawford & Company, a global leader in claims and risk management, is developing new, global end-to-end services that span previously stand-alone, country-specific products. Data and data-driven insight have taken center stage, as Crawford continues its market leadership. Modern data virtualization and data governance tools and practices has been the secret to better Self-Service BI for Crawford’s end users, resulting in faster time-to-market for Crawford’s products and services.

In this video, Andrew Sohn, SVP Global and Analytics Services from Crawford & Company goes into detail about their data virtualization use case.

This customer case study video will cover:

  • Crawford & Company’s specific business challenge
  • How they used data virtualization to address this business challenge
  • What the benefits of data virtualization are in their particular case
  • Why they chose the Denodo platform
  • How they plan to utilize the Denodo platform and data virtualization in future

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