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The Denodo Platform has significantly increased the speed of business at Seacoast Bank.
Mark Blanchette
SVP, Director Business Technology and Data Management

Seacoast Bank Improves Business Process Efficiency Using a Logical Data Warehouse

Seacoast Banking Corporation of Florida is one of the largest community banks headquartered in Florida. As of December 31, 2020, Seacoast had total consolidated assets of $8.3 billion with total deposits of $6.9 billion. The corporation has 97 branches and 15 subsidiaries. The company provides integrated financial services, including commercial and retail banking, wealth management, and mortgage services, to customers through advanced banking solutions, 53 traditional branches of its locally-branded wholly-owned subsidiary bank, Seacoast Bank, and five commercial banking centers.

Companies that have stood the test of time can only do so if they undergo continuous reinvention. Seacoast Bank, founded in 1926, leveraged the Denodo Platform to ensure that its data management systems were on the cutting edge.

The Fast Lane

Before implementing the Denodo Platform, data was often out of date by the time it got to business users. The Denodo Platform uses data virtualization to establish a logical data warehouse, which seamlessly integrates operational data across cloud-based and on-premises information systems and delivers the aggregated views to analytical and reporting tools such as SAS and Tableau. With the logical data warehouse in place, Seacoast can now provide enterprise-wide self-service BI and develop interactive trend reports using modern reporting tools.

With the logical data warehouse, information that used to take a day to deliver can now be delivered every five minutes. This significantly accelerated business decision making on a daily basis, leading to faster business transactions. Also, stakeholders can now view reports and run analytics through SaaS tools, apps, and mobile devices, streamlining the information flow.

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