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Solidatus is an innovative data management solution that empowers organizations to connect and visualize their data relationships, simplifying how they identify, access, and understand them. With a sustainable data foundation in place, data-rich enterprises can meet regulatory requirements, drive digital transformation, capture business insights, and make better, less risky and more informed data-driven decisions. We provide solutions to several key areas of endeavor, including: governance and regulatory compliance; data risk and controls; business integration; environment, social, governance (ESG); and data sharing. Our clients and investors include top-tier global financial services brands such as Citi and HSBC, healthcare, and retail organizations as well as government institutions.

Prueba Denodo Gratis

Experimente todos los beneficios de Denodo Enterprise Plus con Agora, nuestro servicio de nube totalmente administrado.


Denodo Express

La ruta gratuita hacia la virtualización de datos