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Alexey Sidorov

Data Management Director, Chief Evangelist

Stefano Cruciani

Marketing Manager Southern Europe & Middle East

Security, data privacy, and data protection represent concerns for organizations that must comply with policies and regulations that can vary across regions, data assets, and personas. Data virtualization offers a single logical point of access, avoiding point-to-point connections from consuming applications to the information sources. As a single point of data access for applications, it is the ideal place to enforce access security restrictions that can be defined in terms of the canonical model with a very fine granularity.

Denodo has been successfully deployed in many organizations worldwide with strict security requirements. Those organizations benefit from Denodo's capabilities to customize security policies in the data abstraction layer, centralize security when data is spread across multiple systems residing both on-premises and in the cloud, or control and audit data access across different regions.

Watch on-demand this webinar to know how to:  

  • Build enterprise-wide data access role model
  • Apply Dynamic Masking on your data on fly
  • Use sophisticated masking algorithms to manage your non-production data sets

Denodo Free Trial

30-tägige Testversion in der Cloud, um die vollständige Denodo Standard zu testen


Denodo Express

Der kostenlose Einstieg in die Datenvirtualisierung